Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hot water cylinders and sulky cats

My cat isn't talking to me and I haven't showered for three days. Thats because our hotwater cylinder died on Sunday and I took the cat to the vet yesterday to have his teeth cleaned. Now he refuses to come in the house except to eat and runs away from me when I try to pat him. He is a very temperamental cat. Plumber came today and managed to fix the cylinder even though it is pre-WWII and I have high hopes for shower tomorrow morning. And incidentally, tomorrow will probably be my first day back at work since the miscarriage.

Physically having a miscarriage like a really nasty period (at least when you're only 5 wks) but emotionally its like someone you're really besotted with breaking up with you.

In some ways the second time was easier - it was less of a shock and less of an unknown. But in some ways it was harder - I know how long it takes to recover.

In way I'm hoping I don't get pregnant again too soon because I think the next time is going to be really hard and I think I'm going to be a bit of a wreck. Still we are taking a break from ttc for the next month and I will certainly enjoy the glasses of wine and hot baths which I will be able to partake with abandon.

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