Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Over active

Everything is feeling a bit like drudgery at the moment. Work is a blur of emails, phone calls, meetings and deadlines. We are very short-staffed. I am becoming terminally snappy. Plus there is an underlying hum of stress as we wait to here about the outcome of our restructure.

Home should be a haven from such things. But at the moment mine is not. This is because I am trying to organise some major construction work on the property where I live. It is an apartment complex which means that all the owners have to agree to the details. This is a challenge. I come home to emails, papers, relationship management and generally making my poor worn-out brain think some more. Did I mention I am becoming terminally snappy?

One might think if I am so bowled over by drudgery that I might have second thoughts about reproduction. Ha, ha. Denial is not a river in Egypt.

On a final positive note - I am, inchworm step by inchworm step, decluttering the apartment. Halleluyah!

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